A vital men’s ministry is essential to the health and spiritual well-being of the family, each marriage relationship, and ultimately the entire community.  It is our desire to provide men at CBC opportunities for their personal spiritual growth: small discipleship groups, regularly scheduled men’s breakfasts, retreats/camp outs, and valley-wide events with men from other churches.

Men’s Hot Dog Roast:

Our Men of Valor group will meet on Tuesday evening, July 9 in the back yard of CBC for a time around the campfire. We’ll start the fire at 6:00 pm. You need not bring anything but yourself, all the food and fire will be supplied. This is a great event for dads to bring their young-sons to; a place for guys to check out our Tuesday night gathering; and the perfect opportunity to spend some time with other guys on the journey. The format is drop by when you can and stay for as long as you wish.


Men’s Retreat:

There is something special and life-giving about getting away from the daily routine and spending a couple of nights in the company of others who share the journey. As we look ahead to what God has planned to do in and around us, we have set August 23-25 for this year’s CBC Men’s Retreat. We will be in an amazing facility at Camp Touchet 11 miles down the road, five-star type accommodations, all while looking at Detangling Our Lives. Cost will be $90 (discounts and scholarships available). We are asking you to register in advance with a $20 deposit—sign-up sheet can be found in the sanctuary. We encourage you to set that weekend aside, and plan on being a part of this terrific event.