Tuesday Morning Ladies Study:

We are diving into Scripture as we purpose to read through and feast on the Bible this year. We are using the Bible Project Read Scripture as our basis, focusing on what the Scripture teaches us about the God we serve – who He is, what is He like, what is He doing as recorded in Scripture, and watching what He is doing in and around us. Join us as we learn and grow and share together.

Leader: Melody Ramsey

Day/Time: Tuesdays, 9:30

Location: Annex Building

Contact information: 629-1483


Table Talk:

After worship service each Sunday we gather downstairs for lunch and discussion around the table. Summer can be a busy time, but we encourage you to make this spiritual community opportunity to not only enrich your experiences in the CBC family, but to discover the encouragement God’s Word brings to your journey. Simple is the mantra—don’t go to a lot of effort making exotic dishes. Just bring something to share. And even if you can’t, come just the same, we always have abundance.


Vacation Bible School:

CBC will be hosting a Vacation Bible School with other churches July 8-12, from 9:10 to12:00 noon. If you have children that might like to participate please register (Registration forms in upper entrance) it helps us to plan.  Any questions please contact Torie 509-730-0516.


 Men’s Hot Dog Roast:

Our Men of Valor group will meet on Tuesday evening, July 9 in the back yard of CBC for a time around the campfire. We’ll start the fire at 6:00pm. You need not bring anything but yourself, all the food and fire will be supplied. This is a great event for dads to bring their young-sons to; a place for guys to check out our Tuesday night gathering; and the perfect opportunity to spend some time with other guys on the journey. The format is drop by when you can and stay for as long as you wish.


Prayer Gathering:

Prayer is a significant privilege and responsibility in our journey with Christ. We have set aside the third Sunday evening of each month to simply meet and pray. Please join us Sunday, July 21 at 6:00 pm—No agenda or “program”, just time praying as the body of Christ.


Sunday’s in August:

A reminder that we have some special services in August. Note that we will not have Table Talk lunches during these weeks.

August 4—Breakfast before the Worship Service

August 11—Worship at the Park (Bring your own chair or blanket)

August 18—Youth Sunday

August 18—After the worship service we will have a BBQ in the back yard of the church.


Men’s Retreat:

There is something special and life-giving about getting away from the daily routine and spending a couple of nights in the company of others who share the journey. As we look ahead to what God has planned to do in and around us, we have set August 23-25 for this year’s CBC Men’s Retreat. We will be in an amazing facility at Camp Touchet 11 miles down the road, five-star type accommodations, all while looking at Detangling Our Lives. Cost will be $90 (discounts and scholarships available). We are asking you to register in advance with a $20 deposit—sign-up sheet can be found in the sanctuary. We encourage you to set that weekend aside, and plan on being a part of this terrific event.