Men of Valor:

Men, circle Tuesday October 8 and 22. It is on these evenings we will meet in the Annex to explore together these questions: How do I recognize God’s voice? Am I hearing you God? What are you saying to me? We begin with food at 6:00; we take up our interaction/discussion time at 6:30. Make a commitment to journey with other men as we become God’s Might Men of Valor in this age.



Men’s Breakfast:

Men, young and less than young, are invited to our Men’s Breakfast on Saturday, October 12, 7:30 am! Again, Paul Mackay will cook us an amazing breakfast, we’ll have a chance to interact together around the experiences of relationship with God as we learn to walk with Him. Please make the effort to adjust your personal calendar so you will be able to participate with us.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Fall Workday:

Inside…outside…top-side…bottom-side. No matter how you look at it, some side needs our input. So, on Saturday, October 12 we invite you to join us for the fall workday. It begins at 9:00 am and will go through noon where we will have lunch waiting for you. There is a task for people of all ages and skills. We take our responsibility of stewardship seriously, so please join us for this amazing time together.



Prayer Gathering:

Prayer is a significant privilege and responsibility in our journey with Christ. We have set aside the third Sunday evening of each month to simply meet and pray. Please join us Sunday, October 20 at 6:00 pm—No agenda or “program”, just time praying as the body of Christ.



Ladies Game Night:                                                                         

October 25, 6:45—8:00 pm “CBC Sisters! Its time for another Ladies Game Night! Get to know your sisters in Christ by participating in some fun games! Join us for some food, fun, friendship and laughs!”

* Please round up a baby or toddler pic of yourself, as well as one in your early 20s or 30s! Even a graduation pic! We will put them all up and see who can match the most baby pics to the correct, young adult pic!



Baby Shower:                                               

Help us celebrate with Stephanie Gibbons and her new little one!

When: October 27th following the Table Talk Time

Where: Annex Building

She is registered with amazon under the name of

Stephie Gibbons

Dayton, WA

October 11, 2024



Upcoming Events:

Please mark your calendars for these events you won’t want to miss!

Nov. 10            Riverwalk Service: 3:30 pm

Nov. 11            Operation Christmas Child Packing Party: 10:00 am

Nov. 17            Prayer Gathering: 6:00 pm

Nov. 18—25    Operation Christmas Child Collection Week

Nov. 24            Harvest Dinner: 11:00 am

Nov. 24            Hanging of the Greens: Following Harvest Dinner